Short Story News! Detective X: Conclusion & Epilogue

Hello :O) I’ve posted the Conclusion of Detective X. It’s the longest part in the series and I hope you enjoy it.

As a surprise, I’ve also posted an Epilogue! So be sure to check it out after you read the Conclusion.

If you’ve been waiting to read the story in one fell swoop, today’s the day :O) The word count comes in at a grand total of 17,603 words and I’m proud of it. Writing this story has been an experience like no other for me. Thank you to everybody that has read and shared it.

A special thank you to: my family for their continuous support, my mom for helping with Japanese to English translations, and my husband for detailed editing and for designing the e-book versions.

Which leads me to this! If you’d like a digital version of Detective X, you can download it for free!