Dailies 04/05/13

Daily Doodle: LucasArts LEC Family Memories–Guckenheimer Nachos

Blurb 1/365: From 2008 to 2011, I was working at LucasArts. Many things can be said about the company, but one thing I know for sure is that the company had a way of getting talented, smart, hardworking, and sexy, sexy people all into one place. It’s usually hard for me to make good friends. At LucasArts, I made friends that I’ve kept in touch with, and ones that I know I’ll reconnect with in the future.

LucasArts was the place where I learned important life lessons. For all the people that have contributed to LucasArts, I thank you for being a part of my life.

The loss of Disney/Lucasfilm is the world’s gain. I know that I will see your successes soon, whether it be at another company or an independent venture. All of my best to you.


Dailies 04/06/13
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