Dailies 12/13/13

Daily Doodle: Puppy Flip Flops

Song of the Day: I Started a Joke by the Bee Gees


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m strumming on an acoustic guitar hooked up to an amp. At the end of a stanza I strum the pick slightly forward as I go down the strings and look up for the cue to start up again.

Blurb 1/365: If I ever get famous or have a reason to be on a talk show like The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, firstly, I’d have to pinch myself to make sure it was real, and secondly, I’d be sure to sit like a normal person would. I wouldn’t slouch or anything, but I would sit normally where a normal stomach pooch would naturally stick out. I have seen one too many interviews with men and women sitting at the edge of a seat, looking like they need to pee or poo, all seemingly to keep their tummy from sticking out. Not only does it make them appear awkward, I end up looking at their stomachs being sucked in and thinking about it more than I would if they had just sat like a normal person. There shouldn’t be so much pressure on people in the public eye to look like mannequins. Shoooot, mannequins shouldn’t be looking like that either.

Dailies 12/13/13
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