Dailies 03/06/14

Dailies 03/06/14

Daily Doodle: Cats

Song of the Day: The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m sitting on a wooden chair that has a back shaped like a pretzel and a round seat. I’m playing the acoustic guitar.

Blurb 1/365: Well, thirteen dailies left and then I’ll have completed 365. It’s pretty hard to believe and I’m not ashamed to say that it’s one of the most important things I’ve done. It’s something I’ve done independently and when I’m done I’ll consider it one of my first achievements.

My senses are more sensitive to important things and dull to stupid things. Push out the jive, bring in the love.

Dailies 08/16/13

Dailies 08/16/13

Daily Doodle: Cat Moon

Song of the Day: Sunshine of Your Love by Cream


Musical Pipe Dream:  I’m stage right slightly in front of the drummer and next to the guitarist. I’m playing bass. My posture is extremely straight and I’m tapping my foot to the beat with a wide-eyed stare.

Blurb 1/365: Flip the social anxiety overload into energy to do things!

Dailies 08/11/13

Dailies 08/11/13

Daily Doodle: He’s Not a Kit-Cat

Song of the Day: Twist and Shout as performed by The Beatles


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m killin’ it on lead vocals until my voice goes raw. I’m not embarrassed, no … not embarrassed at all :O)

Blurb 1/365: While enjoying my couch, I watched eight movies this weekend. I believe this deserves some sort of award.

Dailies 08/06/13

Dailies 08/06/13

Daily Doodle: Caroline & Calvin: Co-workers & BFFs commissioned by @clo82 & @huh0kay

Song of the Day: Belleville Rendez-Vous by Benoit Charest


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m playing the acoustic guitar on the sidewalk. My face is painted like a clown and when I’m singing my eyebrows go up and down.

Blurb 1/365: It’s going to be a great day tomorrow because it’s up to you.

Dailies 07/31/13

Dailies 07/31/13

Daily Doodle: Cat Daze

Song of the Day: You Beat Me to the Punch by Mary Wells


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m singing lead stage left to the three other singers. I’m wearing a crisp cotton candy pink dress with a square neck and full skirt. My dance moves consist of flapping my arms with the movement stemming from my shoulders and alternately stepping my foot behind the opposite foot.

Blurb 1/365: Support and use public transit. I ranted today about inconvenient and inefficient bus systems: We’re lucky if a line runs more than once an hour. It’s not fair to the constituents or the bus employees. Not all of us constituents can afford a car to get us to available public transit. And the bus employees have to fight for available work time that sometimes has a forced 3 hour lunch in between. If there were more buses, people would pay money to use them and it would eventually start to fund itself. But it’s always pulling teeth to get things started because it seems nobody wants to give money without immediately getting something in return. The result of this is a perpetual cycle of underfunded public transit, almost useless bus lines and schedules (except for peak commute hours), and people having to PARK A CAR to take public transit. That defeats the purpose of public transit.

Dailies 07/18/13

Dailies 07/18/13

Daily Doodle: Sailor Diana

Song of the Day: Nothin’ Wrong by The Flight of the Conchords with Adrian Pryor


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m one of four people on strings. We’re all in a line on stage and I’m on the most left. We’re seated on stools that allow our feet to touch the floor and when we pick up to double time, I stomp my left foot on the floor to the beat.

Blurb 1/365: The older I get, the more I know. The more I know, the more I can cope. The more I can cope, the more I can bear. Everything I can bear will eventually get me there.