Dailies 03/24/13

Dailies 03/24/13

Daily Doodle: A Very Serious Shirley

Song of the Day: Flava in Ya Ear by Craig Mack


Musical Pipe Dream: I always thought it would be cool if there was a rap video with people eating ice cream. So, I have envisioned myself leaning up against a brick wall outside of a CVS and rapping while holding an ice cream cone.

Blurb 1/365: “There comes a time when you can no longer ignore ignorance.”


Dailies 03/23/13



Dailies 03/23/13

Daily Doodle – Sketched While Playing Dominion Edition: Easter Bunny at the Laundromat

Song of the Day: Just One Look by Doris Troy


Musical Pipe Dream: I would love to sing this one while playing the piano. A low positioned microphone so I could concentrate on the keys. My head would lower when I played the high notes and my fingers would delicately stroke the keys like tapping a lily pad without making it sink. My head would rise and tilt back when belting out the strong points. One can dream.

Blurb 1/365: Staying up late playing card games with family is where it’s at.


Dailies 03/22/13

Dailies 03/22/13

Daily Doodle: Super Catnap-tendo Controller

Song of the Day: Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes


Musical Pipe Dream: I am the conductor and I have my back to a fully packed audience. I’m keeping time as the band gleefully backs up The Chordettes while they’re singing like birds. The horn section makes little, playful circles with their instruments and raise their eyebrows in the middle of each circular movement. Smiles on all faces. White tuxedos and chiffon dresses.

Blurb 1/365: I’m late with today’s post! But that’s ok. Life is perfect not being perfect and I’m perfectly imperfect with that.


Dailies 03/20/13

Dailies 03/20/13

Daily Doodle: Red Right Hand

Song of the Day: Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds


Musical Pipe Dream: Whenever I hear this song, I think of a scene. It’s a strip club similar to the one in the movie Beetlejuice that appeared in the model town that Adam built, but only after Beetlejuice started living there. There is a scantly clad demon girl dancing around slowly around a pole and tiny horns are pointing out of her forehead. Nearby is a band of demon men wearing pink tuxedos with high waisted cummerbunds and ruffly white shirts. The trim and bow ties are black. The lead singer holds no instruments and sways to the beat with his elbows tucked in. He has a thin mustache with a goatee and horns. The bar is tended by someone who looks like they have been bored for an eternity.

Blurb 1/365: I have realized if things have to be forced, then they probably shouldn’t go that way. Living against the grain is no longer an option. There is no longer any need for me to whittle myself to fit in. There are niches out there shaped just like me and when I find them and settle into each of them, it’ll feel like a happy hug.


Dailies 03/19/13

Dailies 03/19/13

Daily Doodle: Koala

Song of the Day: Yesterday Once More by The Carpenters


Musical Pipe Dream: My mom used to sing this on the Karaoke (Ka-ra-oh-kay) machine, so I remember lounging on the couch while she sang like a bird. It would be awesome if I could jam on the piano and she sing under a spotlight. Maybe we’ll work on that :O)

Blurb 1/365: Hug somebody today.


Dailies 03/18/13

Dailies 03/18/13

Daily Doodle: Potato and Strawberry

Song of the Day: Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry


Musical Pipe Dream: I can’t fathom the guitar skills for this, so I imagine myself shredding the air guitar and making it back to the mic to sing each verse.

Blurb 1/365: Being myself is finally comfortable. Things will change for the better because of that.


Dailies 03/17/13

Dailies 03/17/13

Daily Doodle: Happy Airline Pilot

Song of the Day: Elevators (Me & You) by OutKast


Musical Pipe Dream: This is my anthem when I envision myself walking in slow motion.

Blurb 1/365: I was on an airplane today and the pilot said, “Ok folks, we’re starting to descend now so hopefully you’re all through partying because I’m going to have to put on the seat belt light. And WHOOMP! *ding* There it is! Heh heh heh.” Nobody laughed but me. Tough crowd.