Dailies 07/08/13
Dailies 07/08/13
Daily Doodle: BALL!
Song of the Day: Sleep Walk by Santo & Johnny
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m playing rhythm guitar and smiling as my dad shreds the steel guitar.
Blurb 1/365: I’m addicted to Boardwalk Empire.
Dailies 06/10/13
Dailies 06/10/13
Daily Doodle: You’ve Been Puppified
Song of the Day: Things Have Changed by Bob Dylan
Musical Pipe Dream: My hair is unkempt and I’m wearing a long cotton skirt with an ill-fitting puffy shirt. I’m on stage shaking a shaker and taking wide steps with the back of my left hand on my hip and my back arched far back. Everybody is trying to keep from making eye contact with me. I’m shaking that shaker like I’m playing an electric guitar solo. The police are called.
Blurb 1/365: Sometimes all you need is peanut butter and jelly on Eggos.
Dailies 05/29/13
Dailies 05/29/13
Daily Doodle: Boo
Song of the Day: Como La Flor as sung by Selena
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m in a room where there are people playing guitars and we are all singing and clapping and smiling.
Blurb 1/365: Remember to play some video games.