Dailies 08/28/13
Daily Doodle: Nightlight
Song of the Day: Got to Give It Up
Musical Pipe Dream: My family and I are in a Soul Train line.
Dailies 08/28/13
Daily Doodle: Nightlight
Song of the Day: Got to Give It Up
Musical Pipe Dream: My family and I are in a Soul Train line.
Dailies 08/23/13
Daily Doodle: Air Traffic Control
Song of the Day: Hash Pipe by Weezer
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m playing the guitar with my legs at a wide stance. My eyes are in a fixated stare as I strum the strings. My only movement is in my arms and hands, the rest of me is frozen.
Blurb 1/365: I’m attending something semi-formal this weekend and do not own any semi-formal clothes. I have concocted the most insane outfit and the only choice I have is to own it and make it work, work, work!
Dailies 05/29/13
Daily Doodle: Boo
Song of the Day: Como La Flor as sung by Selena
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m in a room where there are people playing guitars and we are all singing and clapping and smiling.
Blurb 1/365: Remember to play some video games.
Dailies 05/17/13
Daily Doodle: Yoshi Spots an Apple
Song of the Day: Baby I’m Yours as sung by Mama Cass
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m sitting on a cement step with my knees together and my feet pigeon toed. I’m singing my heart out.
Blurb 1/365: “Godspeed little doodle.”
Dailies 04/23/13
Daily Doodle: Super Mario Cereal with Marshmallows
Song of the Day: Pillar Box Red by The The
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m on the keys in this one; an odd mini piano that only comes up to my knees. I also see myself doing a weird dance step. Imagine two three foot sticks stuck in the ground with string pulled across them to make a big equal sign with about two feet in between each string. The dance step I’m thinking about is me trying to side step in between the two pieces of string. The leading foot steps, the following foot crosses over the leading foot and so on. This dance step requires a jacket with coat tails.
Blurb 1/365: (O_O)
Dailies 04/22/13
Daily Doodle: Link’s Valentine
Song of the Day: Kakariko Village by Koji Kondo
Musical Pipe Dream: I’m in Kakariko Village playing the flute and someone’s playing the jug. People and chickens are dancing. Bread is baking.
Blurb 1/365: No rest for the wicked.
Dailies 03/22/13
Daily Doodle: Super Catnap-tendo Controller
Song of the Day: Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes
Musical Pipe Dream: I am the conductor and I have my back to a fully packed audience. I’m keeping time as the band gleefully backs up The Chordettes while they’re singing like birds. The horn section makes little, playful circles with their instruments and raise their eyebrows in the middle of each circular movement. Smiles on all faces. White tuxedos and chiffon dresses.
Blurb 1/365: I’m late with today’s post! But that’s ok. Life is perfect not being perfect and I’m perfectly imperfect with that.