Dailies 11/05/13

Dailies 11/05/13

Daily Doodle: Pipe Dreams

Song of the Day: Hypnotize by The Notorious B.I.G.


Musical Pipe Dream: It’s 1996 and I’m wearing a parachute track suit, dark lipstick, and I have green bands on my braces. My hair is shoulder length, straightened, and split down the middle. I creep out into the middle of a dance floor with a chameleon step: forward, back, forward, back. Nobody else is dancing and I hear someone yell, “Uhmm, NO!” My eyes widen, my face gets serious, and I nod, YES.

Blurb 1/365: If there is ever a book written about me, it will be entitled “Short and Sleepy”.

Dailies 11/04/13

Dailies 11/04/13

Daily Doodle: Want to go to the movies?

Song of the Day: New York, New York as performed by Frank Sinatra


Musical Pipe Dream: There’s a band in a restaurant playing this song. I’m wearing a cape and singing. During the music breakdowns, I take somebody’s hat to hold up in the air and alternate kicking each leg with a bit of pep. Security is called. I’m escorted off the premises in style.

Blurb 1/365: Blue Blue Blue Blah Blah Blah Bloo Bloo Bloooooop.

Dailies 11/02/13

Dailies 11/02/13

Daily Doodle: Dream Clouds

Song of the Day: Money by Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m singing lead on a stage during a practice session. I’m wearing casual clothes.

Blurb 1/365: I’m so tired. It’s hard to find time or energy for dailies but I must stick to this commitment. Thanks for the encouragement guys and I’ll continue to work towards my goal of 365.

Dailies 11/01/13

Dailies 11/01/13

Daily Doodle: Candy Corn

Song of the Day: Runaway by Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Musical Pipe Dream: I sit down at a vacant piano at the mall and start playing around on the keys and transition into this song. My voice is quiet yet strong and people in the food court look over while they chew. I continue to sing and play and a woman at Panda Express calls out somebody for not paying for their 3 item combo.

Blurb 1/365: Boo. Boo-urns.

Dailies 10/29/13

Dailies 10/29/13

Daily Doodle: Raspberry Beret

Song of the Day: All the Young Dudes by Mott the Hoople


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m playing the organ and singing backup on a microphone reaching over the keyboard.

Blurb 1/365: The half filled signifies an optimist. The half empty glass signifies a pessimist. But what if the half filled glass thought that was all to being a glass and it never strived to be filled with anymore liquid and just waited to evaporate? And the half empty glass thought of future rainy days and fresh squeezed orange juice?

Dailies 10/26/13

Dailies 10/26/13

Daily Doodle: Winter Is Coming

Song of the Day: The Way I Feel Inside by The Zombies


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m sitting alone in a room in front of the organ that we had in our house when I was growing up. After playing with the rainbow colored auto-play buttons that offered beats such as: cha-cha, rock-n-roll, and jazz, everything is quiet and I start to sing this song. I play the harmonizing keys and finish the song. Then the doorbell rings and I sit in complete silence until the unknown visitor goes away.

Blurb 1/365: Only one more week until the release of the Ender’s Game movie!