Dailies 09/09/13

Dailies 09/09/13

Daily Doodle: Nuchi on Parade (Commissioned by and drawn for Nuchi!)

Song of the Day: Rapper’s Delight by The Sugarhill Gang


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m on BART and a few kids onboard at the Lake Merrit station with this drum beat playing out loud on one of their phones. They start rapping and the all of us other passengers start to get into it. Most of us are clapping and some are recording video with their phones. When Master Gee’s intro comes in and he says, “On and on and on on and on”, I do a glide step in a box form. My face gets close to one of the cameras at the second step and you can see my big eyeball before I slide away.

Blurb 1/365: Love life.

Dailies 09/07/13

Dailies 09/07/13

Daily Doodle: Allow the Dough to Rest

Song of the Day: Give It to Me Baby by Rick James


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m on an extremely crowded bus and holding on to one of the metal poles. This song comes on over the FM radio with moderate reception. All of us are bouncing along with the bumps in the road when my wedding ring starts clanging on the metal pole to the beat. Somebody from the middle of the bus starts singing along. Other people start chiming in until most of us are singing along or at least smiling and grooving. I arrive at my stop and off-board the bus while the song is still playing. The bus slowly departs with people still partying to the music.

Blurb 1/365: “How the hell did she have all these puppies?” – Investigator from Animal Precinct (She had 16 in the basement of an abandoned house. They all lived. The mom was adopted and I can only assume those adorable puppies were all snatched up, too.)

I was looking up this show and it looks like it aired in 2001 … that was 12 years ago … (whoa).

Dailies 09/06/13

Dailies 09/06/13

Daily Doodle: A Serious Corn

Song of the Day: We Put the Spring in Springfield


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m playing the piano next to a stage doing a variety show. There is a mix of scantily clad women, men hamming it up and tap dancing in clogs, and jugglers.

Blurb 1/365: The world would be a different place if it didn’t have The Simpsons or Futurama.

Dailies 09/04/13

Dailies 09/04/13

Daily Doodle: Season’s Greetings

Song of the Day: Bass Head by Bassnectar


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m standing in front of a homemade contraption of wooden dowels and glass soda bottles. Each of the glasses are touching a dowel and I’ve attached an amp to the dowels by way of alligator clips. I am armed with two broken dowels and am hitting the bottles to the beat.

Blurb 1/365: Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head. Wait, it’s not raining. Wait, I’m inside. Wait, I’m in the shower. Wait, I need to wake up.

Dailies 09/02/13

Dailies 09/02/13

Daily Doodle: Together Forever

Song of the Day: California Girls by The Beach Boys


Musical Pipe Dream: I have a bowl haircut and I’m rockin’ it on the drums. I’m wearing rose tinted glasses and my drumming motions are shaking my hair to the beat. There is a microphone that I lean in slightly to the right to sing backup.

Blurb 1/365: I can’t translate crazy much anymore, or I choose not to, and I’m proud of that.

Dailies 08/31/13

Dailies 08/31/13

Daily Doodle: Fitzcarraldo

Song of the Day: Three O’Clock in the Morning by Paul Whiteman & his Orchestra


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m playing the tuba along with a big band. We’re at a theatre and the audience is dressed up in formal attire. The curtains are red velvet and the moulding is gilded with gold.

Blurb 1/365: On the weekends, I’m usually ready to start the day around 9PM.

Dailies 08/30/13

Dailies 08/30/13

Daily Doodle: Monkey Bars

Song of the Day: Tonari No Totoro by Joe Hisaishi


Musical Pipe Dream: I’m on stage in a huge auditorium jamming on a keyboard. The audience members are waving their arms and singing along with stars in their eyes. There’s a guy on stage drumming a hand held drum that’s hooked up to an amplifier with only one drum stick. A very energetic woman is singing. There are Totoros on stage and in the aisles between the seats. It’s magical.

Blurb 1/365: Bark! Bark bark bark bark! BARK.