Double Dailies! 12/23/13 & 12/24/13


Double Dailies! 12/23/13 & 12/24/13

Daily Doodles:

Snow Bunny


Orange’cha Glad We’re Friends?

Songs of the Day: 3 Hour Medley of Christmas Songs, compilation brought to you by Halerman444 on YouTube

Musical Pipe Dream: I’m bundled up in my blankets on the couch playing video games next to my husband and dog with this music playing lightly in the background.

Blurb 2/365:

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Everyone!


Remember to hug somebody today.

Dailies 12/21/13

Dailies 12/21/13

Daily Doodle: My Bologna Has a First Name …

Song of the Day: Fame by Irene Cara

Musical Pipe Dream: I’m in a shopping mall and a whole group of people start to dance to this song. I join in with others and we perform the number. Near the ending of song, we all get in formation and do fouettes. At the end we all stop in unison with our feet firmly on the ground, arms outward with palms up, looking up into the sky with spotlights shining down on us.

Blurb 1/365: “I hate you, Leroy from Fame!”

Dailies 12/14/13

Dailies 12/14/13

Daily Doodle: Cat Sandals

Song of the Day: Handy Man by Jimmy Jones

and James Taylor

Musical Pipe Dream: In the Jimmy Jones version, I’m singing backup and clapping and two-stepping emphatically. In the James Taylor version, I’m playing the drums with stick straight hair in my face and I’m wearing a denim vest.

Blurb 1/365: Setting deadlines for myself is the only way I can get things done. I’ve had verbal arguments with myself out loud about why I need to finish this or that or why I don’t have time or I’m too tired to do this or that or to calm the f down about not finishing this or that. Sometimes I don’t even want to get out of bed. I gotta keep motivated, like, I get up and get ready, and then I can have McDonald’s breakfast. Setting deadlines is also a good way to keep busy. It keeps me away from my triggers. Triggers that make me unhealthy. Even if I have to swim through triggers everyday, if I keep busy, it really only leaves me with one option to keep my mind on; whatever I’m keeping busy with. Once I’ve finished with all the day to day stuff, I don’t come home and reminisce about things that pissed me off, I complete the next deadline. Then I get to eat something I like with the people I love. (Futurama reference!) I also reward myself with things like binges on Futurama/Simpsons/Bob’s Burgers/House Hunters, movies on Netflix, shaking trees on Animal Crossing.

The most important and difficult deadlines for me to make are for the things that I want to do. I just have to make those deadlines just like I make every other deadline. It’s just that hard and it’s just that simple.

Dailies 12/13/13

Dailies 12/13/13

Daily Doodle: Puppy Flip Flops

Song of the Day: I Started a Joke by the Bee Gees

Musical Pipe Dream: I’m strumming on an acoustic guitar hooked up to an amp. At the end of a stanza I strum the pick slightly forward as I go down the strings and look up for the cue to start up again.

Blurb 1/365: If I ever get famous or have a reason to be on a talk show like The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, firstly, I’d have to pinch myself to make sure it was real, and secondly, I’d be sure to sit like a normal person would. I wouldn’t slouch or anything, but I would sit normally where a normal stomach pooch would naturally stick out. I have seen one too many interviews with men and women sitting at the edge of a seat, looking like they need to pee or poo, all seemingly to keep their tummy from sticking out. Not only does it make them appear awkward, I end up looking at their stomachs being sucked in and thinking about it more than I would if they had just sat like a normal person. There shouldn’t be so much pressure on people in the public eye to look like mannequins. Shoooot, mannequins shouldn’t be looking like that either.